
Thursday, September 16, 2010

the british media

I have admired and followed the British media particularly, BBC radio service and much later BBC world and skyNews both satellite tv channels since i was little boy.Nothing fascinates me more than the professional exactness by which the broadcasters present the news with candor and a masterful presence.......the daring reportings, particularly at war times,the unfolding stories, interestingly bold interviews, etc.There is something however i find disturbing about this "ferocious" media.I think it pays no attention to God and tries deliberately or ignorantly to disconnect itself from the truth of the core values of the christian this again became evident during the pope's (papal visit) to the Uk.The reporters kept repeatedly trying to undermine the papal visit by reminding everyone they interviewed how they felt to hear of the cases of peadophile priests, if the hierarchy of the church had failed to do something about it and what "their faith"  meant while posing as fair and balanced.I rather consider those questions openly faithless, irelevant and an attempt to smirk the confidence and faith of the attendees and viewers allover the world but thankfully there is God's grace and the britsh catholics were just too excited to notice the aversion to things of God by their media.... anyway i pray that the british people will have their faith revitalised and hold on to it while those who had left would return.I know too that God will fight His battles and restore all things.The west should learn to talk about GOD again everwhere including the so-called sercular western and british media and the she will once again experience a never ceasing grace.

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