
Friday, September 24, 2010

Not an Economy!

Nigeria is not an economy!this is based on a conjectural research conducted by me over offence Nigeria has the potential to be one of the largest markets in the world and one of the largest and sustainable economies of the the point is; an economy  where the significant percentage of the unemployed is not known, where there are less and less jobs annually,soaring populations yet the actual number is not known- what that means is we do not have proper records of births and deaths,where there are less and less industries-meaning our industries are folding-up and there is little or no new investments,where the import to export ratio is almost 9:1-meaning there are more imported products,which implies that productivity level is very low i.e. insignificant!, the manpower developmental drive is in a state of total 
"breakdown"- by this am referring to the educational sector where irrelevant curriculum is still been imparted,no wonder the high of dependency and unemployment! The list of how Nigeria is failing is endless but like  i said earlier we have the potentials to be greater and a major world economy. Government should just forget all these number craps of vision 2000 and vision 202020 and act now but philosophically,ideologically,pragmatically,decisively,theologically and wisely,etc pulling all the resources together within a time frame that must commence from now until things improve.for example government should stop saying power will become stable in 2012 and all the gimmicks but first tell us what PHCN's problem is and start to act.well i posit now just like i commenced, a society that wallows in barbarism and obsolete ideologies and yet besorted with those aforementioned problems is not an economy that can advance our beloved country to the very next positive and sustainable level.long live the great people of Nigeria in their perseverance and resilience!

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